For the most part, this is an incredibly handy way to avoid sending out a deluge of spelling errors to your co-workers, clients, family, and friends. When you’re working on your Android device, be it in an office suite, texting, chatting on Facebook Messenger… the input dictionary will often correct your spelling as you type. Jack Wallen illustrates how you can get more from your Android keyboard by managing the devices personal dictionary. Word for Office 365 for Mac, Word 2019, Word 2019 for Mac, Word 2016, Word 2016 for Mac, and Word.How to manage your personal dictionary in Android Microsoft Word makes it easy to insert and remove a border or a dividing line in your document.

Office 2007: Click the Office Button (in the top left) and then click Options. Office 2003: Click Options on the Tools menu.Open a Microsoft Office application, such as Word, Excel or PowerPoint.To reset the dictionary to the defaults for Microsoft Office applications: In the dictionary file, make any changes that you want, and then on the File menu, click Save. If you see a message that Word stops checking spelling when you edit the dictionary, click OK, and then if you see the File Conversion - Custom Dictionary dialog box, click OK. Click the name of the dictionary that you want to edit, and then click Edit.

If the dictionary that you want to use - for example, one that you purchased from a third-party company - is installed on your computer but not listed in the Dictionary list box, you can add it. The Custom Dictionaries dialog box in Word lists the available custom dictionaries the application can use to check spelling.